Book: The Minimoog Book by JoE Silva
Sticker: Black Bear Groove Die-Cut
T-shirt: Mother Earth's Plantasia - Unisex
Bundle: BJOOKS about Moog Synthesizers
Toy: MicroKits DIY Theremin Electronic Kit
Toy: Stylophone S-1
Rhapsody 4 of 5 - Rick Wakeman Autographed Photo
Book: Switched On - Bob Moog and the Synthesizer Revolution by Albert Glinsky
T-shirt: Grasshopper - Unisex
Bundle: BJOOKS Publications
Book: Patch And Tweak with Moog by Kim Bjorn
Book: Patch And Tweak - Exploring Modular Synthesis by Kim Bjorn and Chris Meyer
Book: Synth Gems Vol. 1 by Mike Metlay
T-shirt: Robot - Black - Unisex
T-shirt: Waveform - Black - Unisex
T-shirt: Squarewave to Heaven - Black - Unisex
Bundle: Patch & Tweak
Bundle: Fundamentals of Synthesis Posters - Set of Seven
Bundle: Grasshopper & Minitaur Posters